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All posts by Amanda Rave

About Amanda Rave

  • Girl Tired at her Desk During The Day
    Keeping Your Energy Up Even During the Mid Day Slump

    It’s common to hit a mid day slump at about two o’clock in the afternoon and feel ready to take a nap. We lose all our energy and just want to curl up and sleep or lounge...

    • Posted May 8, 2013
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  • Guy Late Getting Out of Work
    Having a Little Patience Will Improve Your Life

    How many times have you heard that patience is a virtue? Probably a ton. Now how many times have you actually thought about the phrase and tried to be more patient with the things around you? Maybe...

    • Posted May 3, 2013
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  • Green, Leafy Vegetables in Metal Colander
    The Super-Food Powers of Leafy Greens

    It’s not exactly a newsflash that vegetables are good for you; there is a reason our parents started forcing them on us from a very young age. And while you may have protested and whined when you...

    • Posted April 24, 2013
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  • Woman Detoxing in Bubble Bath
    Detoxing After a Long Day

    We all have those days that seem to go on and on. The ones that are filled with stress, tons of work, rushing around, and trying to keep a smile on all the while. Those kinds of...

    • Posted April 21, 2013
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  • Woman Cleaning Her Face With Honey
    Cleansing Your Face the All-Natural Way (with things you can pronounce)

    The skin on our face breaks out for a ton of different reasons –stress, hormones, the things we eat, as well as makeup (which can clog our pores) and touching it excessively with our hands. Whatever the...

    • Posted April 14, 2013
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  • Strawberry Dropping into a Bowl of Milk
    A Few Foods That are Not as Good for You as You Think They Are

    Every day we are fed ideas about what is good for our health and what is not. Television commercials tell us what workout videos to buy and what low calorie snacks to eat. Our parents tells us...

    • Posted April 12, 2013
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