How to Lose Those Last 20 lbs (and keep them off)

After you’ve lost an amazing amount of weight and feel great about yourself, why are those remaining 20 pounds always the hardest to lose? Every woman goes through this when losing weight, but the good news – there are tricks out there that actually work and help you knock off those last 20 pounds. Got a calculator and the drive to succeed? Here’s how you can say goodbye to those last 20 pounds for good.
Calculate how many calories you need each day: A lot of people just follow the basic 2,000 calories a day requirement, but 2,000 calories a day isn’t necessarily what every person needs. Your daily calorie needs most likely are a bit lower than you’d expect. If you sit at a desk all day, eating 2,000 calories a day probably isn’t something your body needs. However, if you’re on your feet all day and active, 2,000 calories is exactly what you should be consuming (maybe even more).
To figure out the right number of calories you should eat every day, you first need to figure out how many calories you need to eat each day to maintain your current weight, and this is easy. If you’re an active woman, multiply your current weight by 12, and if you’re inactive woman multiply your weight by 10 (to your current weight). Once you find this number, subtract 500 calories. This is the amount of calories you should be eating every day to lose those last 20 pounds.
Increase your cardio: This may seem obvious, but it sure works. Upping your cardio each day will definitely help you lose those pounds. Are you a jogger, a boxer, a treadmill fan? Adding at least 30 more minutes each day, maybe even a full hour will do the trick.
Lift weights: You should also be lifting weights, if you aren’t already that is. Lifting weights helps your body burn calories and gives you increased metabolism after you’re done. And you don’t have to pump iron like a crazy person either. Keep it in the range of what you’re capable of. Consistency is key.
Whatever you do, don’t lose hope. You can lose those last 20 pounds. This is possible. All it takes is some accelerated hard work, and you will get there.