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Staying Fit Without a Gym

Man Doing Pushups on Pool Deck

I’m not a huge fan of the gym, as it is boring for me to do the same exercises over and over again in an enclosed space. The good news is that I’ve found ways to get fit and in shape without ever having to step inside the walls of a gym, and you can too!


Running has always been my “white whale”, as I’m a bit larger than the average runner – standing 6′ 6″ and weighing about 280. However, I love the freedom of running or jogging down the road, and it’s so much easier for me to keep my mind off my running when I have a set goal to reach. I have no choice but to keep running until I reach my destination, as that is where my ride will pick me up to bring me home. If you want to force yourself to keep running, do it on the street and set a goal far away from your home. It will be much easier that way!


I love sports! I have played just about every sport on the planet – save golf and croquet. Hockey is my favorite, but all sports are great for getting a good workout. Basketball involves a lot of jumping, soccer and football are all about running, and every sport will involve a lot of action. If you want to get fit and stay in shape the fun way, sign up for a sports club or join a local team.

Martial Arts

Growing up in Japan, I always wanted to do martial arts. Now, I am finally able to do so, and I’ve loved every moment of it! I started almost a year ago, and I’ve seen amazing progress in terms of my fighting skills and weight loss thanks to the classes. I have shed 25 pounds, advanced three belts, and have never felt better. It’s so much fun to be able to kick and punch, losing weight all the while!

Home Workout DVDs

Many people think that these DVDs are for women, but anyone who thinks that has never tried the P90X or the Insanity workouts. There are many home workout DVDs that will give any man a run for their money, and it’s highly recommended for you to get a workout to do at home using these videos. Whether it’s Yoga, martial arts, or an exercise routine, it’s guaranteed to get you sweating and having fun!

Personal Routine

You don’t need to go to a gym to lift weights or do bodyweight exercises, so why not create your own personal routine? You can incorporate pushups, leg exercises, and a few dumbbell or barbell exercises using your own home weight set. It’s much cheaper and easier, and you’ll still get a great workout!

Active Weekends

My kids love to be active, and they drag me along on all of their hiking, camping, and beach trips. If you want to get in shape, you should try and make your weekends as active as possible. Hit the mountains for a day or two of hiking and camping, visit your nearby lakes or beaches for some swimming and water fun, or explore your city on foot or by bike.

About Andy Peloquin

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